A+ Tutoring
Students are required to complete 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring to meet one of the requirements for A+ eligibility.
Log sheets are available in the Counseling Office.
25% of the hours (12.5 hours) may be job shadowing (must get approval from Mr. Newland in advance).
A+ students may tutor after school in the library Mondays and Thursdays 2:35-4:00 pm. No sign-up is necessary.
A+ students may tutor during Saturday school dates at GHS. Please sign up in advance.
A+ students may tutor/mentor at various elementary schools or LINC after-school programs. Please see Mr. Newland for more information.
A+ students may tutor/mentor at various Grandview district schools for summer school. Sign-up information will be available later in the Spring semester.
Juniors and Seniors who are enrolled in Cadet Teaching may count their hours worked at their assigned school location.
Special Volunteer Events TBD.
Grandview Youth Court - Participation hours may be used for A+ tutoring/mentoring hours.
Click here to get more information about youth court.