GHS Weekly Announcements


October 31, 2016 – November 5, 2016


-Thank you to all who came out for Parent Teacher Conferences!  We appreciate your time and the opportunity to partner with you for the success of your students.

-Trivia Night is next week on Thursday, November 10.  It is not too late to form your team - contact Cindy Bastion at [email protected]. Proceeds for this event support the Grandview Education Foundation.  Let me know if you have questionsJ

- Please, no Halloween costumes Monday.

-Friday, November 4 is the end of the second grading period.  Progress Reports will be sent home with students next week through advisory classes.

-Students are now able to sign up for tutoring during Power Hour through a program called Enriching Students.  Please continue to encourage them to get support from their teachers during this time each Tuesday through Friday (10th -12th graders with any Fs/ 9th graders with any Ds and Fs) should sign up and attend each day.

-Have a great week!



NHS meeting on Tuesday, November 1st at 7:10am in the back of the auditorium.

Poetry Night – November 17th at 6:00pm

  • Tickets are $2 in advance and $3 at the door. Please sign up with Ms. Dixon in room 311 before November 15th.



No games this week!

Boys’ basketball tryouts are Monday October 31st from 2:30-5:00pm in the north gym. Any male student interested in playing Freshman, JV, or Varsity basketball need to make sure they have an updated physical on file with the athletic director. You cannot tryout without a physical. If you have any questions regarding basketball tryouts please contact Mr. Morris in the counseling office.

The dates for the second cheer tryout have changed to Tuesday, November 1st and Thursday, November 3rd right after school in the cafeteria. You MUST have a physical. Come dressed out in athletic clothes. Grade MUST be in good standing and NO OSS for the 16-17 school year. Teacher evaluations are part of the score. There are only 4 spots available. The next tryout will be in April.



Brookdale Senior Living Solutions is now hiring servers to serve food to senior citizens in a restaurant style atmosphere. If you are interested in this position, please stop by the counseling office.

The Lenexa Ups facility is hiring. Stop in the counseling office for a flyer.

MCC-Longview and Missouri University of Science and Technology are hosting an engineering night on November 15th from 6:15-8:30pm.